Air pollution killing 1,200 children across Europe a year: Report


Air pollution is responsible for the deaths of around 1,200 children per year across Europe. The study, which analyzed data from 18 countries, found that levels of particulate matter in the air exceeded World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines in 64% of monitored urban areas. 

The report also highlighted that children from disadvantaged backgrounds and minority communities are disproportionately affected by air pollution. 

The findings underline the urgent need for stronger action to reduce air pollution, including measures to promote cleaner transport, reduce emissions from industry and agriculture, and improve air quality monitoring and reporting.

The EPHA is calling on European governments to take stronger action to address the issue, including improving air quality standards, reducing traffic emissions, and investing in cleaner transport options.

The report also highlights the need for improved monitoring of air pollution levels, as well as better public awareness of the issue.


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