UAE pledged $100 million to Lebanon as a hope during the time of crisis


UAE finally pledged $100 million to Lebanon as a hope for something new during the time of crisis.
A definite decision was made by President Sheikh Mohamed in ordering a $100 million aid package toward the alleviation of the humanitarian crisis in Lebanon. It followed the escalations of violence and growing urgency within the region, whereby the UAE looked to demonstrate strong global humanitarian assistance actions; therefore, the aid is meant to provide the necessities and services to those involved. It helps to depict solidarity amidst the trying moments.It is this money from the UAE that will allow people of Lebanon to enjoy the following goods and services:
  • Proper quality health care
  • Food to eat for them
  • Light supply in the midst of the public
  • Revenue supplement for school and education
  • It would be able to help support the families who are under distress
  • How the Aids Will Be Used

The aids should find their way in serving and supporting people in the following ways, according to the UAE :
  • It will cooperate with the established authorities.
  • It possesses mechanisms for ensuring that assistance actually reaches the targeted groups.
  • It is prepared to meet both short-term demands as well as long-term programs.
  • It emphasizes the service sectors that really affect the quality of life of the people.
In many respects, this declaration forms a very strategic moment in that it proves that the UAE is playing an active role in international relations and in offering humanitarian assistance. At such a point in time as this, where everything appears to be going down the drain, stepping forward as the UAE has, sets a trend in the right direction for others. It's not so much about relief at the moment but gives way to a basis whereby improvement and strengthening of Lebanon will take place.


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