UAE launches "Invest in the Emirates" campaign

Dubai has announced its pioneering investment-attracting "Invest in the Emirate" campaign. Through this effort, the emirate seeks to attract worldorchdoment grosrs market movers and innovators. With major cities like Cannes, Paris, and New York on the itinerary; entrepreneurs might be persuaded to take their ideas—a specimen of which might grow in the UAE where bustling and self-assured trade exists on every corner

As an effort to advance the culture of innovation in the region, Invest in the UAE campaign got an active kick off friday evening. Introducing Idris Elba himself,Conveniently available resources as well as free taxation make Dubai an ideal site for people pioneering in this field. The UAE is located at the crossroads of the world, making it an ideal place for modern commerce and international trade.

Based on its strategic location and modern infrastructure, United Arab Emirates is the gateway to global markets; Dubai is an attractive trade hub on the international front.


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