UAE Passport is gaining Strength, Here are 8 main reasons

The strength of the UAE passport is very impressive; it gives its holders enormous benefits for travel. One major reason it is highly ranked is that it offers easy access to so many countries. This means that, with a UAE passport, one can go to so many places without visas or prior arrangements, or with very easy procedures for obtaining a visa on arrival. This makes things quite easy for people who frequently travel abroad.

This standing is partly attributed to the economic stability of the UAE, too. The credibility and influence that the UAE enjoys in the world are a direct function of its strong economy, which has a positive bearing on the strength of its passport. It is also home to excellent diplomatic relations. Adding all this together, its passport has become one of the strongest travel documents in the world.

The following are the Key Points:

Visa-Free Access
UAE passport is one of the most potent in the world, offering access to 187 countries globally, of which 45 provide eVisa and visa-on-arrival for people with UAE passports.

Tax Efficiency
The tax regime in UAE is very favorable more so for the high net worth individuals (HNWIs); it has no capital gains tax hence it’s a perfect place for investors and businesses as well.

Economic Influence
This national economy involves a lot of sectors including oil and gas industry, finance, tourism and technology among others that make it a major player globally.

Balanced Foreign Policy
Strategic diplomacy along with balanced relationship with leading countries defines UAE foreign policy.

Early Post-COVID Recovery
After the control measures were lifted following the pandemic outbreak, UAE was among the first nations to open its doors for tourism hence saw rapid recovery in its tourism sector.

Golden Visa Programme
Long-term residency permits such as those lasting up to ten years have been offered to businessmen who have invested locally or internationally as well as highly qualified professionals under this scheme since it was launched in 2019 by United Arab Emirates authorities.

World-Class Infrastructure
It is one of the world’s most advanced infrastructures that highly ranks and boasts top-notch transportation, health, and digital connectivity facilities. In other words, Dubai international airport is noted as one of the busiest airports globally.

Strategic Location and Air Connectivity
United Arab Emirates (UAE) is strategically located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa making it an international trade and travel hub


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