Anger Across Veterans Groups Over Trump's Trip to Arlington

Former military officials and veterans' groups lashed out at President Donald Trump again on this recent trip to Arlington National Cemetery. Reverence for fallen soldiers morphed into controversy over the campaign team around him almost as soon as he arrived at the site.

According to reports, Trump's staff allegedly harassed a member of the Arlington staff trying to stop them taking photographs in Section 60, dedicated to the dead of the Iraq and Afghan wars. Though there is a rule stringently against political activities on military sites, Trump's team ran footage from the visit in a TikTok campaign video. They claimed they had permission for a cameraman and denied physical confrontation.

The visit drew immediate criticism for President Donald Trump's manner, including smiling and giving a thumbs-up in a photo taken at-someone's grave. Veterans organizations expressed their outrage.

The progressive veterans’ association VoteVets accused Trump of using the sacrifices made by dead soldiers for his personal benefit. Retired Major General Paul Eaton, an advisor to VoteVets, said it was unacceptable to start some political dust-up in such a sacred place.

Another organization, Veterans for Responsible Leadership, also abolished Trump's visit, declaring that he violated Arlington's dignity.

In response to the backlash, the Trump campaign has explained that Marine veterans invited him in order to mark the third anniversary of the Kabul airport bombing. They insisted that they behaved respectfully during the visit.

Neither should Arlington be politicized, this sentiment was voiced by older Defense secretary Mark Esper, from the Trump administration.

Iraq war veteran and Rep. Jake Auchincloss, who served as a Marine, joined other veterans in Congress to criticize Mr. Trump's actions. The confrontation this time has intensified the estrangement of many veterans from Mr. Trump, and has made many people worry about the dignity due those among us who have made the ultimate sacrifice. 


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