US Has Doubts on Legitimacy of Venezuelan Presidential Election Polls


For the first time ever, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken cut short a meeting with the Indo-Pacific nations to take up an issue of paramount importance: how credible the Venezuelan presidential election polls were. This unscheduled intervention underlined that what was happening in Venezuela was urgent and serious, according to the United States.

"We have just seen, a few minutes ago, the declaration of the electoral commission of Venezuela, " said Blinken. "We have grave concerns that the result declared does not reflect the will and votes of the people of Venezuela." 

Furthermore, Blinken warned that foreign observers are closely monitoring the situation and ready to react harshly in case of any violation of democratic norms. The vigilance of the observers will serve to safeguard the integrity of the electoral process, ensuring that the will of the Venezuelan people is truly reflected in the final results.

Of all, the United States' position resonates with the need for safeguarding democratic principles and ensuring elections are done in the strictest levels of transparency and fairness. The eyes of the international community shall be on ensuring respect and regard for the democratic process in Venezuela.


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