Singapore has taken a major step toward sustainable eating featuring approval to consume sixteen insect species


Singapore is making a step forward in sustainable food practices as 16 species of insects were allowed as being safe for human consumption. By this first-ever decision, Singapore Food Agency (SFA), enables Singaporeans to eat various dishes made from insects hence changing eating habits hence averting food wastage.

The ‘United Nation Food Agriculture Organization’ (UNFAO) has for decades encouraged the use of insects as a sustainable food source because they are more efficient in converting feed into protein and have a smaller environmental footprint than conventional livestock; besides being nutrient dense, they also demand less resources for farming hence representing an option for tackling food insecurity at worldwide level. 

In Singapore, among these four species of crickets, adult crickets are edible including two species of grasshoppers and a locust. Also, in their larval stages, we can eat three types of mealworms as well as white grubs and giant rhino beetle grubs and two types of moth larvae. Furthermore, silkworm moths and silkworms have recently become legalized for human consumption under the fresh regulation.


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