Nationwide Curfew in Bangladesh in Response to Escalating Protests



The violence has risen spectacularly with the intensified protests. Reports have come in of 17-30 people killed in clashes on Friday, with a conflict reaching a peak where protesters clashed with security forces. The police and security personnel have used live ammunition in response to violent acts by protesters who have burned buildings and engaged in violent skirmishes. The situation has turned incalculably dangerous, with both sides taking casualties.

In the midst of increased crisis, the government has levied a curfew to reinstate order and protect its subjects from danger. Others claim that the Army had to intervene to forestall the eruption of further violence and stabilize the situation. This curfew restricts movement and is intended to minimize further clashes. Citizens are now being called upon to abide by this curfew and avoid protests.

The entire international community is closely watching Bangladesh as it passes through this stormy time. Therefore, it becomes very important to root out the injustices that have driven the protesters to this movement and work out a peaceful solution to restore peace in the country and end the bloodshed.


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