Building the Future of Economic and Constructive Cooperation between UAE and Chile



This will be the first-ever official visit by a President of Chile to the UAE since both countries established their diplomatic relations back in 1978, and it is expected to mark the declaration for a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.

It will be an umbrella agreement covering essential sectors like food security, technology, investment, and space, all part of strengthening economic cooperation that is likely to massively increase trade and investment. Discussions by President Boric with His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan revolve around fostering cooperation in economic, trade, and developmental areas with a view to meeting the aspirations enshrined in the sustainable development goals of the two countries.

This visit has the potential to be a game-changer in bilateral relations, expanding areas of cooperation and strengthening efforts on global challenges. It seals the commitment by the UAE and Chile to their quest to find solutions together on global issues such as climate action and sustainability.

This visit is in tandem with the meaning of UAE's efforts to build bridges of cooperation globally. The way forward for both parties is undeniably mutually beneficial in nature, enhancing long-term ties of prosperity through sustainable economic growth. The UAE has, therefore, underlined its strategic interest in Latin America and, more generally, in firm international partnerships, manifested by its continuous efforts aimed at strengthening relations with countries from every region around the world.

The diplomatic relation of UAE and Chile dates back to 1978. These relations expanded to include closer relationships in political, economic, and cultural spheres. A constant growth trend can be witnessed in their trade relationship. Long-term relevant agreements signed relating to strengthening trade exchange. 


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