Strategic Focus on Advanced Technologies of the UAE: Alignment with the US.

In the area of AI, Afshin Molavi, a notable commentator on global emerging markets, has made known his thoughts concerning the UAE’s importance in backing up and progressing United States’ interests. He was quoted saying that, “When we talk about high technology like artificial intelligence, UAE is a part of it in a big way.” This expression portrays a lasting connection which is intended to encourage new ideas while pushing forward advancements in technology. 

Its visionary leadership and strategic investments have turned the UAE into a global hub for advanced technologies of the future, such as Artificial intelligence (AI), life sciences as well as the space economy. Thus, making use of clean energy sources in combination with an investment-friendly atmosphere and rich human resources (talent availability) makes it possible for UAE to take lead in technological innovation. 

Artificial intelligence partnership between UAE and USA is not just for show but it is also driving key institutions and companies to create new projects. To promote development as well as expand boundaries within which people work today important stakeholders like G42, Mubadala, NYU Abu Dhabi and the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center are coordinating their efforts with their counterparts from America, like Microsoft, IBM, Cleveland Clinic among many others.



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