New video that has just been released shows Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for security lapse on January 6th

 Recently we received video footage of Ex Speaker of the house regarding no national guard in at the US Capitol on 6th January 2021.The clip was part of a bit where Alexandra her daughter was filming her for HBO.The footage released by House Republicans captures Pelosi’Pelosi’s candid comments on security lapses on that fateful day.

Pelosi expressed her frustration in a captured video regarding the poor security measures during Donald Trump’s ‘Stop The Steal’ rally. ‘We have responsibility, Terry’, Pelosi says as she leaves the Capitol with her chief of staff, Terri McCullough. ‘We did not have any accountability for what was going on there, and we should have. This is ridiculous.’

This dialogue forms part of a 45-minute recording submitted to the GOP-helmed House Administration oversight subcommittee. In 2022 a report by House Republicans alleged that Democratic leaders did not want to use National Guard troops in the Capitol because of how it would look after the Black Lives Matter movements of 2020. In the aftermath of the January 6 riot, the Chief of Capitol Police as well as both Senate and House Sergeants-at-Arms left their respective duties.


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