Historic event : UAE mediation efforts succeeded in the exchange of 180 captives between Russia and Ukraine.

 The UAE's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (@mofauae) effectively negotiated the exchange of 180 war captives between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine, marking a significant diplomatic victory. This outstanding achievement highlights the UAE's role in global peacekeeping and conflict resolution.

The Ministry emphasized the significance of this successful mediation, which marked the sixth time since the beginning of the year that the UAE exploited its unique relationships and partnerships with Russia and Ukraine. The UAE's reputation as a reliable middleman has played an important role in bringing the two warring factions together. 

The ministry thanked the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine for their collaboration, which made the exchange possible. As a result, even in times of war, hope exists.

Even as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, the UAE is dedicated to peace talks and diplomatic diplomacy. The involvement of UAE mediators is critical because it gives a road forward for addressing these issues. Furthermore, these efforts show the significance of international cooperation in addressing global concerns. The UAE is committed to peace, making it a helpful model for other countries looking to make comparable commitments to global security. 


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