H5 Bird Flu: How it has Spread Worldwide and its Effects on the Poultry and Dairy Industries"


The H5 virus has been spreading widely among wild birds which has caused severe problems in the poultry and dairy sectors worldwide. In the US, the disease has also been detected in chicken flocks along with dairy herds. There have even been some farmworkers who got sick after handling infected cows or birds. CDC does not believe that there is any danger to most people but keeps an eye on those who have had contact with sick animals. In this text, the readers will learn about bird flu, how it spreads among animals and people, as well as what can be done to control it. 

Bird Flu or Avian Influenza is a disease caused by type a influenza virus which affects birds. Initially called ‘Fowl Plague,’ these are viruses found in their natural conclusion of being frequently isolated from healthy wild aquatic birds. 


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