Discover the reason for this star's trend in jujutsu kaisen



Anime is a Japanese type of animation art that was founded in japan. Anime of all times are good either in action or romance stories. This refers to all anime series since there are a lot of them. Anime has captured the hearts of many global fans because it has creative imagery, diverse characters and plots which make viewers glued on their screens for hours. This is among some of the very many common types of anime series that we have come across today-Jujutsu Kaisen . Well, Yuta is known as one of these characters featured on Jujutsu Kaisen anime series who have become popular worldwide. Every day, we meet people with whom we share the most special moments of our lives. 

The reason Yuta was trending is that chapter 261 of Jujutsu Kaisen confirmed a long running story for the fans. In that long running story, it was going to be that Yuta was to inherit Satoru Gojo’s six eyes. This was because Yuta and Gojo were distant cousins but no one expected the real reason as it turned out to be Kenjaku’s Cursed Technique. However, it was a surprise to many fans when they learned that Yuta would end up taking over Gojo’s body. 


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