D-Day was such a big deal in the history of World War II.

Today we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day, a notable event within the narrative of World War II. This event occurred on the 6th of June, 1944; there was a widespread landing by Allied troops on the Normandy shores in France, and it was codenamed “Op. Overlord”. D-Day was a significant day in history with respect to the US Army, British Armed Forces, Canadian Army and that of other participating countries with the number of troops involved making it the largest ever amphibious assault.

The success of The Normandy Landings depended on thorough planning and coordination with the Allied forces. Paratroopers were dropped behind the enemy arming them selves with strategic positions before the ensuing naval bombardments softened entrenched defense systems allowing the landing of infantry and armored divisions on the beaches. Facing formidable German defenses, however, the Allies managed to secure the beaches and move deep into France


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