How UAE is Drawing Record Levels of FDIs

The United Arab Emirates, a Middle Eastern country, is making great achievements under the government of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed. The UAE is taking its vision to develop one step further for its citizens in the fields of artificial intelligence, digital innovation, science and space, power projects or green energy, zero carbon emission targets, clean water projects, etc.

This country is deepening its focus on a non-oil-based economy and trade, to set up and achieve goals for a better nation government of UAE is working actively for it. They are promoting G2G relations, by providing liberalism and flexibility this country is trying to establish new relations with other nations of the globe to achieve mutual benefits and fulfil goals of a better future.

Focusing on emerging markets and building strategic partnerships further builds on this momentum, opening up new investment opportunities. They are signing memoranda of understanding (MoUs), CEPA- comprehensive economic partnership agreements, free trade agreements, etc to attract foreign investment or FDI.

The UAE is ranked 8th according to Kearney's 2024-(FDI) Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index, which is top in the Middle East.

Jamal Bin Saif Al Jarwan the Secretary-General of the UAE International Investors Council (UAEIIC) said that UAE has solidified its position as a leading regional and global player in FDI.

The UAE attracted over $23 billion of FDIs in several projects for the government and private sectors in 2022. And from then it is continuously growing.

According to the reports UAE set a target to attract $150 billion in foreign investment by year 2031.

How is the UAE actively attracting FDI?- A Global Insights - READ HEREREAD HERE


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