Exploring UAE's Clean Energy Progress at World Future Energy Summit

The UAE shines as a beacon of clean energy progress at the World Future Energy Summit 2024 in Abu Dhabi. Led by the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (MoEI), the country is committed to boosting energy efficiency, tripling renewable energy production, and investing in clean energy infrastructure as outlined in its Energy Strategy 2050. Embracing hydrogen innovation with its National Hydrogen Strategy, the UAE aims to produce 15 million tonnes of low-emission hydrogen annually by 2031.

The summit marks a collective call for collaboration on the 'Pathway to 1.5°C', emphasizing the urgent need for global climate action. Keynote speakers like Her Highness Sheikha Shamma bint Sultan bin Khalifa Al Nahyan and Francesco La Camera of IRENA shared insights on driving renewable energy initiatives and mobilizing green finance.

As the UAE continues to lead in sustainable energy, the summit highlights its unwavering commitment to clean energy innovation and global collaboration.


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