Towards Inclusive Trade Policies: Reflections on WTO's MC13 in Abu Dhabi

 The 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) has commenced in Abu Dhabi, marking a significant milestone in the realm of international trade governance. This four-day event serves as a pivotal platform for trade ministers and senior officials from across the globe to convene and deliberate on key issues about global commerce.

The conference aims to address a wide range of topics, from trade regulations and policies to the promotion of sustainable and inclusive trade practices. With the participation of 175 Member States, as well as leaders from the corporate sector, NGOs, and civil society, MC13 promises to be a collaborative and impactful gathering.

One of the primary objectives of MC13 is to build upon the achievements of its predecessor, MC12, which took place in Geneva in June 2022. At MC12, significant progress was made in areas such as food security, e-commerce, and subsidies for fisheries. Now, MC13 seeks to further these advancements and tackle new challenges facing the global trading system.

In addition to the main conference sessions, MC13 will feature a series of side activities aimed at fostering cooperation and partnership-building. These include sessions on trade facilitation, trade finance, and the future of global supply chains, among others. Through these activities, participants will have the opportunity to explore innovative solutions and best practices for enhancing trade policies and programs.

As the host city, Abu Dhabi is proud to welcome delegates from around the world and play a central role in shaping the future of international trade. With its vibrant economy, strategic location, and commitment to innovation, Abu Dhabi is well-positioned to contribute to the success of MC13 and drive positive change in the global trade landscape.

In conclusion, MC13 represents a critical opportunity for stakeholders to come together, exchange ideas, and chart a course towards a more prosperous and sustainable future for global trade. As the conference unfolds, the world will be watching closely to see the outcomes and implications of this important gathering.


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