Vivek Ramaswamy May Withdraw From Colorado Primary To Support Trump


Vivek Ramaswamy, a Republican Party presidential primary candidate, has made an audacious step. He has decided to withdraw from the Republican primary in Colorado. This ruling is in support of former President Donald Trump, who has been found unable to run in Colorado’s primary.

The Colorado Supreme Court just ruled that Donald Trump is not eligible to vie for the Republican presidential nomination in Colorado. This ruling is based on the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Constitution.

According to the Amendment, anyone who has participated in an insurgency against the United States is ineligible to hold office again. The court believes Trump’s conduct leading up to the Capitol disturbance on January 6, 2021, fell into this category.

In response, Ramaswamy has sworn not to run for office in Colorado unless Trump’s eligibility is restored. He’s also urging other Republican contenders, like Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, and Nikki Haley, to do the same.

Ramaswamy believes that this is about more than just winning the election, but also about standing up to what he regards as a bad judgment that could affect the country.


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