U.S. Retaliatory Strikes: The Drone Attack on Iraq Military Base


In a tense escalation, a drone strike on the Erbil Air Base in northern Iraq injured three US servicemen. The Pentagon blamed Kataib Hezbollah militants for the incident, prompting President Biden to launch immediate retaliatory attacks. Here’s a full look at the incident and its aftermath.

The Drone Attack and the Victims
The attack, carried out by an Iran-affiliated terrorist cell, occurred on a Monday morning, injuring three US servicemen. According to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, one of the injuredis in critical condition, highlighting the gravity of the situation.

After being briefed on the attack, President Biden took prompt action by ordering retaliatory attacks. The strikes were directed against three facilities used by Kataib Hezbollah and allied forces, with a particular emphasis on unmanned aerial drone activities. After consulting with Defense Secretary Austin and the national security staff, National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson confirmed the president’s directive.

The retaliation strikes, carried out by the U.S. At 8:45 p.m., Central Command (CENTCOM) was activated. Three locations in Iraq use Eastern Time. According to CENTCOM, the attacks most likely resulted in casualties among Kataib Hezbollah terrorists. Importantly, no civilians were harmed throughout the operation, demonstrating the precision and aim of the US response.


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