Sustainable, Smart: Exploring The String Of Smart Cities In UAE


The UAE is constructing several sustainable, smart, and energy-efficient communities while managing renewable energy through technology and architectural design. The strategy is part of the company’s comprehensive plan for digital transformation and economic diversification.

The UAE Digital Government Strategy 2025 is organized into eight dimensions.

1. Leaving no one behind

2. Resilient

3. Data-driven

4. Fit for the digital age

5. Digital by design

6. User-driven

7. Open by default

8. Proactiveness

Several other projects followed, including smart transportation, free Wi-Fi in public places, and electricity generated by alternative sources. The UAE now boasts more than one smart city. Let’s look at some of the most notable ones and draw lessons from them.

Abu Dhabi wants to shift its economy away from resources and toward information, technology, and innovation. The government is trying to create a professionally designed urban environment that will be complemented by remarkable transit infrastructure.

Masdar City’s design incorporates both classic architecture and cutting-edge technology. It allows for rapid urbanization while reducing energy use and pollution. Furthermore, the city is home to one of the largest photovoltaic projects in the region.


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