A Move Questions Raised, Biden Administration’s Emergency Weapons Sale to Israel!


The Biden administration has raised eyebrows yet again by circumventing Congress for an emergency arms sale to Israel, the second such move in a month. Secretary of State Antony Blinken told Congress of an emergency determination covering a $147.5 million sale of critical 155mm shell equipment.

The urgency for defensive needs has been highlighted as the key rationale for this rare measure, amidst Israel’s protracted confrontation with Hamas in Gaza and increased international attention. The kit contains fuses, charges, and primers needed to operate previously purchased rounds.

Justification from the State Department
The decision was explained by the State Department, which emphasized the US commitment to Israel’s security and its relevance to US national interests. 

The declaration of emergency permits the government to avoid the customary legislative vetting of foreign military sales. Such decisions are uncommon but not unique, generally originating from the need for fast delivery of weaponry.

This decision follows a similar one made by Blinken on December 9, when he approved the sale of roughly 14,000 rounds of tank ammunition valued more than $106 million. Both cases show the administration’s use of emergency declarations in reaction to stalled congressional approval of a large aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and other national security concerns.


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