Should New Delhi Join Beijing’s Ambitious Belt and Road Initiative?


The globe is more interconnected and interdependent than it has ever been. This tendency is set to intensify as regional connection and collaboration have been established as the most reliable means of promoting a country’s development, wealth, and security.

Sudheendra Kulkarni previously served as an adviser to former Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. He promotes collaboration between India, China, and Pakistan, as well as the formation of a new South Asia. The politician and columnist expounded on one of China’s ambitious programs in a report on TOI Plus.

According to Kulkarni, China is pursuing connection and cooperation with unprecedented ambition and scope, not just regionally but worldwide. He also mentioned how nations begin to see each other less as a danger and more as a partner when they reap the benefits of mutual dependency.

Beijing is constructing global networks through its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Kulkarni stated that the massive initiative has had several challenges since its inception in 2013, but that 152 countries attended the third BRI Summit in October.

China has land borders with 14 countries, which is the most in the world. It has established and delineated borders with 12 of them so far, omitting Bhutan and India. However, China and Bhutan are anticipated to settle their border conflict soon.


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