Rishi Sunak Struggles With UK’s Immigration at a High

 Rishi Sunak is convinced that he would not buckle under Tory pressure, despite the fact that net migration in the UK has reached a record high. In the year to December 2022, net migration reached a record high of 745,000, three times pre-Brexit levels.

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom agreed that immigration needed to be reduced to more sustainable levels, with Tory MPs demanding urgent and major action to meet the party’s manifesto goal to cut net immigration to the tens of thousands.

The dismissed Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, called the recently published data a slap in the face of the British people, who voted for lower migration. She stated that the government must act immediately to reduce the amount of people coming to the UK. “The strain on housing, the NHS, schools, wages, and community cohesion cannot be sustained.” When do we say “enough already?”

According to Miriam Cates, co-chairman of the New Conservatives group, failing to deliver on this issue is more significant than failing to cut taxes or taking too long to build hospitals — mass migration is forever transforming the nature of Britain. In its 2019 manifesto, the Conservative Party promised to reduce overall numbers.

Sunak stated that he is well aware that migration numbers are far too high and must be reduced to more sustainable levels. He emphasized that the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported a slowing in immigration. However, the prime minister added that the number of individuals coming to the UK has decreased.


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