Devoted Taylor Swift Fans Camping Out For Eras Tour Argentina Since June


A group of extremely devoted Taylor Swift fans in Argentina are sleeping outside Buenos Aires’ River Plate Stadium in an attempt to get as near to their hero as possible, despite backlash from the public, boisterous soccer supporters, and deluges of rain.

Before Swift begins her three gigs in Argentina on November 9th, hundreds of fans have been occupying four tents outside the stadium in a carefully orchestrated rotation in anticipation of her Eras Tour’s Latin American leg.

Most of the campers have tickets for the general admission floor. About sixty people each tent are tracked via an internal spreadsheet. The longer you have been in a tent, the greater your chances are of being among the first in line, according to a rating system that compiles everyone’s total time.

Although it’s not necessary for a fan to spend all day in a tent, those who are prepared to make the extra effort will specifically profit from the internal regulations. You can camp for twice as long during a storm (though rain and drizzle don’t count), and you can stay in your tents for the entire night.

Sleepovers and a minimum of sixty hours each month are required in order to keep one’s seat. “The sheer volume of people makes things simpler. We all have various schedules, and you manage to fit yours in,” 20-year-old Irina said.


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