Youth Visionaries Association Helping Emiratis 'Come Home And Make A Difference'


At King’s College London, Zaineh Abed Alhameed founded a group to help other young Arabs at some of the best colleges in the world raise their academic standing.

The Emirati student is making use of her contacts and abilities to create a platform where students from the area can network, debate current events, and improve their chances of getting jobs.

The Youth Visionaries Association aims to support people who want to work in the fields of arts, finance, healthcare, technology, and education.

Alhameed expects that graduates who go back to their home countries would have the skills necessary to advance their economy. “We want them to return and change things,”

The economics student stated that her organization only accepted candidates from prestigious colleges and was seeking for “well-rounded Arabs” with a “natural curiosity.”

About 100 students from King’s, Imperial, and London School of Economics in the UK, as well as Colombia and NYU in the US, have joined the club since its founding in 2022.

“The UAE is only 50 years old, yet we are economically competing with nations that have been around for much longer.”

The youngster emphasized the incredible number of chances the UAE has been providing its youth, saying, “I am lucky to be from a country that is leading the Arab renaissance.”


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