World Leaders Gather In Beijing For China’s Belt And Road Initiative (BRI) Forum


Chinese leader Xi Jinping is gathering world leaders in Beijing this week for a high-profile forum, marking Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)’s tenth anniversary. It’s one of the country’s biggest experiments in engaging with the world.

At the top of the invite list is Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, on his first trip to a major global power since the Ukraine invasion threw his regime into international isolation.

The Belt and Road Initiative is aimed at stitching China closer to the world through investments and infrastructure projects. Beijing boasts it has transformed the world.

Through investments and infrastructure development, the Belt and Road Initiative seeks to strengthen ties between China and the rest of the globe. Beijing is proud of changing the globe.

And it’s not completely incorrect. It has injected a record sum of money into close to 150 nations. The program, though, hasn’t quite gone as Beijing had intended.

China undoubtedly has ambitious goals. The majority of the estimated $1 trillion has been invested in energy and transportation projects since the BRI was revealed.


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