Tarahum For Gaza: Emiratis Race To Volunteer At Relief Campaign For Palestinians


At the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre on Sunday, thousands of UAE citizens gathered to assist in the packing of relief boxes for Palestinians living in the impoverished Gaza Strip.

The collection is the most recent in what is anticipated to be a string of Compassion (Tarahum) for Gaza relief campaign packing events, the specifics of which will be made public in the near future.

Emirates Red Crescent, the World Food Programme, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Community Development are responsible for organizing the campaign.

Rashid Al Mansouri, the ERC’s deputy secretary-general for local affairs, thanked citizens from all around the nation who “rushed and raced to participate and donate” to the cause.

On Sunday, volunteers from all over the world gathered. Amira and Safwat El Gawly, both 79 and from Egypt, were among those standing in rows while packing boxes.

Amira, who was born in the UAE, stated, “We want to do everything we can to help the people in Gaza… This is a tragedy beyond imagination.”


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