How UAE-Israel Bilateral Ties Could Help Alleviate Ongoing Middle East Tensions


UAE and Israel announced the historic Abraham Accords Peace Agreement with the US on August 13, 2020.

Soon after, the two nations started working closely together to broaden and accelerate research on COVID-19 and therapy, and working groups are making progress on a number of initiatives.

The UAE, Bahrain, and Israel’s signing of the Accords created new opportunities for Israel to develop diplomatic relationships with two significant Gulf states.

In a little more than two years, the UAE and Israel have revealed a political will to move forward with a speed and intent that has left innumerable observers of the region surprised.

UAE Ambassador to the US Yousef Al Otaiba reaffirmed UAE’s support for a two-state solution shortly after the agreement was signed, and the Emirates reaffirmed their previous support for the Palestinian cause.

Thousands of UAE citizens helped pack aid boxes for Palestinians on Sunday as part of the most recent in what is anticipated to be a succession of Compassion (Tarahum) for Gaza relief campaigns.

Over the course of the three events last weekend, nearly 25,000 aid boxes were assembled, demonstrating the UAE’s commitment to help people in need, regardless of their nation or faith.

The UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed emphasized “the international community must work together” last week while attending the hastily organized Cairo Peace Summit.


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