Health Workers Deliver Open Letter Calling For Urgent Climate Action


Leading GP and health organizations from throughout the world, who collectively represent more than 3 million medical professionals, have delivered an open letter urging swift action on climate change.

Due to the broad negative effects the climate catastrophe is having on human health, health professionals are urging governments to phase out fossil fuels immediately and accelerate the use of renewable energy.

The open letter urges world leaders to act quickly to protect the health of all populations. “We the family doctors, doctors, and health professionals of the world call on world leaders to take urgent action to safeguard the health of global populations,” it states.

“Yet new fossil fuel resources are still being developed, and greenhouse gas emissions are still rising, despite the growing harm and suffering.”

Health organizations from Canada, India, Europe, the UK, and countries in the Pacific, including Australia’s leading organization for GPs and rural medicine, are among the signatories.

They are calling on all governments to stop building new fossil fuel infrastructure and production facilities, phase out the use of current fuels, halt subsidies, and increase investment in renewable energy sources.


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