Fukushima Workers Splashed With Radioactive Water, Taken To Hospital As Precaution


According to a representative for operator Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), four employees at Japan’s tsunami-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant were accidently sprayed with radioactive water on Wednesday.

A few days after Tepco finished dumping a second batch of wastewater, the disaster occurred. It draws attention to the risks that Japan still confronts when it decommissions the facility. The reactor was destroyed by a significant tsunami in 2011, which was the greatest nuclear accident since Chernobyl in 1986.

As a precaution, two of the four employees who were splashed with contaminated water were sent to the hospital. The hospitalized men had radiation exposure levels that were at or higher than the acceptable threshold of 4 becquerels per square centimeter.

A Tepco representative confirmed: “We’ve been told the condition of the two workers being hospitalized is stable.” Tepco said the employees would remain in the hospital for roughly two weeks for follow-up exams.


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