Deadly Quakes Unable To Stop Morocco From Hosting IMF-WB Meeting


The International Monetary Fund and World Bank decided in 2018 to host their annual meeting in Marrakech, Morocco, bringing the affair to the African continent for the first time in 50 years.

While the meeting in Marrakech were originally scheduled for 2021, they were postponed twice owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, the 2023 event is special. Read on to know why.

“In no other area is the need for international cooperation as evident as in addressing the existential threat of climate change. The world has a responsibility to stand with vulnerable countries as they deal with shocks they have not caused,” Kristalina Georgieva, the IMF’s managing director said in a speech on Thursday.

The Government of Morocco didn’t hesitate to host the annual meeting despite September’s earthquake that killed nearly 3,000 and wreaked $11.7 billion in damages.

The event beginning Monday has come at an appropriate time, when both officials and civil society groups are eagerly awaiting discussions about how to promote economic resiliency.


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