Trump Maintains Strong Lead Over DeSantis in Republican Nomination Race


In a recent survey conducted by Reuters/Ipsos, former President Donald Trump continues to hold a significant advantage over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, despite his absence from the initial Republican candidates’ debate in 2024.

The study, which concluded on Friday, indicated that Trump maintained a substantial lead of around 40 percentage points over DeSantis among Republican respondents. Surprisingly, Trump’s choice to forgo the debate did not seem to impact his dominance, as a slight majority of Republican participants (52%), up from 47% in a previous Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted in early August, voiced their support for him.

Following the first debate, DeSantis secured 13% support from Republican participants, allowing him to hold onto his second-place position. After experiencing a dip in popularity earlier during the summer, the team had hoped that the event would provide a boost to revive DeSantis’ waning appeal.

The survey engaged 1,004 American adults over a span of two days through an online platform, including 347 individuals identifying as Republicans. The credibility interval for the Republican respondents, which serves as a measure of precision, was estimated at approximately 6 percentage points in either direction.


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