Lithuania Closes Border Crossings with Belarus Amid Geopolitical Concerns and Security Threats


Lithuania has temporarily shut down two out of its six border crossings with Belarus due to shifting geopolitical dynamics, heightened concerns over national security, and illegal activities. The closures, starting Friday, will impact remote crossing points not utilized by commercial vehicles. This decision is a response to increased security measures in neighboring countries due to Belarus’ connection with Russia’s Wagner mercenary group.

Lithuania’s closure of the Tverecius and Sumskas crossings is in direct response to the changing security environment. The deputy minister of transport, Agn Vaiciukeviciute, stressed that this measure is temporary, driven by the need to address evolving geopolitical situations and potential security risks. This action comes as Poland recently announced plans to deploy 10,000 additional troops to its Belarus border, prompted by alleged incursions by Belarusian military helicopters. Concerns have been raised about the Wagner group potentially using migrant routes to infiltrate the European Union. These developments highlight neighboring countries’ growing unease following the Wagner group’s mutiny in June, which questioned Russian President Vladimir Putin’s authority.

Lithuania’s decision to close the Tverecius and Sumskas border crossings will redirect traffic to the larger Medininkai checkpoint, one of the remaining six crossings in use. This move optimizes border control as the geopolitical situation evolves.

The decision to close these border crossings showcases Lithuania’s proactive approach to addressing emerging security challenges and safeguarding its national interests amid ongoing regional changes.


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