UAE has set an example for the world to follow in promoting tolerance


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has indeed made significant efforts to promote tolerance, both domestically and internationally, and serves as an example for other countries to follow.

In 2019, the UAE government established the Ministry of Tolerance, which is responsible for promoting the country's values of coexistence and respect for diversity. The ministry has launched several initiatives to promote tolerance, including the "Zayed Tolerance Pledge" campaign, which encourages individuals and organizations to pledge their commitment to tolerance and coexistence.

The UAE has also been active in promoting interfaith dialogue, with the establishment of the Abrahamic Family House, which will house a mosque, church, and synagogue in one location. This initiative is aimed at promoting understanding and coexistence between different faiths.

Furthermore, the UAE has hosted several international conferences and events aimed at promoting tolerance, including the World Tolerance Summit and the Global Conference of Human Fraternity. These events bring together individuals and organizations from around the world to discuss ways to promote tolerance and respect for diversity.

The UAE's efforts to promote tolerance are commendable, and the country serves as a positive example for other countries to follow.


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