Leading stem cell scientist “totally blown away” by UAE advances, hails Abu Dhabi Stem Cell Centre


The UAE has been making significant progress in stem cell therapy, with the Abu Dhabi Stem Cell Centre being a leading institution in this field. 

Abu Dhabi Stem Cell Centre (ADSCC) has been recognised as a Centre of Excellence in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation by the Department of Health Abu Dhabi. This recognition highlights the centre's high level of expertise and multidisciplinary resources in providing specialised programmes for patients.

The fact that the ADSCC has already treated 13 cancer patients and one patient with multiple sclerosis is a testament to the important work being done there. The successful bone marrow transplant on a patient with multiple sclerosis is especially noteworthy, as it represents the region's first such transplant.

Stem cell therapy has the potential to improve the lives of many patients with various medical conditions, and it's exciting to see the ADSCC making such significant progress in this area. I hope that this recognition will help to further support and fund the important work being done at the centre.


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